
Big Day!

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

There has been a lot of speculation as to why I ended up with a brain tumor. One theory floating around, is the fact that I allowed two cats into the family. Maybe just the evidence of a brain tumor and not the cause.




For the last few months, a close friend of mine has been telling me that the Levi from last year would kick my butt, and that it would be pretty easy.

I never thought I would blog. Mostly because I didn’t have anything to say. The other reason would be in respect to any teacher that tried to teach me English. I feel now like I have something to say, and I can use the tumor as an excuse for poor grammar. I feel like I’m going to get a lot of mileage out of this tumor bit, my poor wife!

There have been so many miracles so far, that I feel like I need to write them down. Also, my wife is getting tired of repeating the same thing several times a day.

I woke up the morning of the event a different person. I was a much better version of myself. It was so evident, that I thought several times throughout the day, did God transform my mind. I have been asking for transformation in my mind, and pleading with God to do it because I don’t see being able to do it myself. A co-worker has been telling me lately that little things don’t have to bug me like they do. Ha, as she is coloring with squeaky markers right next to me while watching a documentary. Oh yeah, the other person in the room is clearing his throat incessantly. Sure, that won’t bug me some day.
Oh yeah, that morning! I had the thought, he did it, I’m different.





Great news with a touch of not really bad news.

I’ll get the not really bad news out of the way first. It looks like I may have the chance to go to MX for treatment in less than 6 months. The not really bad news leads to the great news, the tumor is stable. My neurosurgeon told me that my MRI looked stable and the inflammation around the resection that he was worried about last time was the same, no growth. He also mentioned that my brain had dropped like he had told me in our previous conversation, which is probably why I don’t remember being told that my brain dropped.

At our visit in January, he had shown some serious concern about the last MRI and was pushing chemotherapy and radiation. We again looked at what research has proven for my brand of brain cancer and stuck with our decision with God’s leading. Glad we did.

Today, he asked if I was doing any herbal treatments and we told him about MX. His curiosity was up more than last July when he said we needed chemotherapy and that MX was a waste of money. He asked what was in the IV and if MX was possibly giving me chemo. We said no. I didn’t tell him I was taking Mebendazole (dewormer that crosses the blood brain barrier) and Berberine. He just said to keep doing whatever we were doing, and let’s visit again in 6 months!

In the meantime, we’ve had a busy spring working on the garden, 5 pigs, and 11 rabbits. We’ve been blessed with another visit from my parents, staying in their RV in the yard. Also, a few other visitors!…

My old friends from Alaska came for a short visit.
Catherine married a wonderful man of God.
Uncle and cousins from Colorado and our oldest daughter.
And a lightning lake day to finish it off!